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Client Usage Dashboard

Office Support AI System

AI | B2B | Native Mobile | Desktop | Enterprise  Product

Office Support AI Assistant helps managers streamline the work flow, automatically respond to questions from other associates, perform automatic approvals and more. It allows associates more time to focus on other important and creative tasks.

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Managers at Alibaba were spending up to three hours daily addressing routine employee inquiries, which negatively impacted their productivity and personal time.

My Role

Interactive Designer & User Researcher

Solution & Impact

A mobile AI assistant including voice input features was developed to automate responses to these inquiries, significantly reducing the time managers spent on routine tasks and increasing workplace efficiency.


I worked full-time at Alibaba from 2020 to 2021, during which I led this main project, one of four total projects I managed.


Contextual Inquiry Documents, Journey Maps, Wireframes, Prototypes, Data Analysis ReportsUser Testing Documents, Graphics

Team Members

2 Project Managers, 2 Algorithm Developers,12 Engineers, Research Lead

Where Can We Find it?


Office Support AI Assistant is an AI module within DingDing.

Why Do We Need It?


"This repetitive work takes up too much time; I even have to deal with it after I get home. 🥲"

We have 250,000 associates, including 27,000 managers. The large volume of employee questions requires managers to spend up to 3 hours addressing them per day, which even impacts their family time.


So we want to automate managers' tasks and streamline associates' information access, ultimately increasing work satisfaction.

Ask PM About Our Strategic Plan 
For This Quarter 

We’re aiming to reduce associates' wait time and managers' task management time by 30% over the next 60 days.

But What's the Challenge?

So far we have a desktop version where managers can input questions and answers to train the model, and associates can use the model.

Associates Side - Ask Questions

Managers Side - Train the Model

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However, the engagement rate (11%) is still very low, and we found out through user testing that single-question training takes 5 minutes, which is a bit long.

One of our users said: “ It's time-consuming and complex 😔..”

Make Decision with the Whole Team

We discussed insights and user behavior data and ultimately decided to improve the training process.

However, before diving into any changes, I want to collaborate with the research team to conduct user research, identify pain points, and explore potential opportunities.

Problem Statement

How Might We Reduce the Training Time and Increase the Engagement Rate?

What Important Data Did We Gather?

Survey & Interview


Associates Submit Requests Through Their Phones


Managers work away from the desk


User Satisfaction Rate

What are the Managers' Product Usage and Pain Points?


Managers' Pain Points Identified

Combine the Insights and Identify the Trends

We initially thought they used Macs for work since everyone has one at the office. However, our research showed that most interactions occur on iPhones. Employees typically ask questions using their iPhones, and managers usually respond via their phones when they have time.
Therefore, we've decided to develop a simplified mobile version to train models.

Prioritize the Features With Teams


Design Solution

Launch a Mobile App for Easy Training of Models


Iteration 1

But though user testing...

I found that managers spend 50% of their time only on typing😔

Iteration 2

Voice Input Feature

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User Testing

We reduced model training time from 5 minutes to 2.5 minutes 😊!


High Fidelity Prototype

1. Voice Input to Easier the Process

Utilize NLP, Automatic Speech Recognition, and Signal Processing for Accurate Speech-to-Text Conversion

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Offer Support

Throughout the Process

Positive Feedback Increases 5% Satisfaction

2. Reduce Cognitive Load

Guide Users to Set Up Their First Q&A in 3 Easy Steps

Provide Video Tutorial



Second QA Training Rate

We got some improvement, however, it still didn’t meet the success metrics 😔.


Engagement Rate

3.5 (out of 5)

Satisfaction Rate

Our launch event increased engagement to some extent, but it didn’t meet our expectations. So I decided to collaborate with the research team conducting user interviews to identify the reasons behind this.

We overlooked the users' emotional responses and thoughts after training the model


Finishing the training is not the final step!

The design solutions I’m going to propose, which I’ve already tested, will help us to achieve the goal of our strategic plan.

I brought everyone together in one room to gain feedback and share my results from research and data.


Finally, we decided to Collect and organize Q&A data into different packages to meet various needs!

Iteration 3

Preset Q&A Packages to Save Time

Collect Q&A data and train the model to produce Q&A template to save users time


Become a Main Paid Feature After Commercialization

User Testing

We improved the Model Training Time from 2.5 minutes to 1 minute 😊

User Testing is in a controlled environment, but I want to see how users interact with it in real-world settings.

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I conducted a contextual inquiry over 3 days and found that 40% of managers were unconsciously saving employees' questions in Apple Notes!

Iteration 4

One-Click Save Question

Eliminate the Need for Note-Taking in Apple Notes



Popular Feature

From the Business Side..

Started the Commercialization in April 2020!


But We Have New Challenges

For a new product in the market, the two main risks we face are potential misalignment with actual user needs and low market acceptance.

Solution 1

A Closed-Loop Design Process

Quickly iterate the product to meet new market users' needs by continuously gathering feedback.


From the Product Side..

Human Feedback Reinforcement Learning

From the User Base..

Support Groups for Partner Companies


Solution 2

Mascot Design
Enhance Loyalty & Build Trust








1. Team Collaboration:
When disagreements arise, effective communication becomes crucial. By providing data-supported analysis, one can rationally explain the importance and necessity of a decision

2. Real User Contexts:
By observing in real user contexts, researchers often identify issues that even the users themselves have not realized.

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